Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Corrugated Raised Bed

Our raised beds are built with corrugated tin and 2x4s. It includes a 6 inch wide bench around the top which gives a comfortable seat while working the bed. Below the jump is instructions for building one.

Backyard Garden

We started the year with some garden beds made out of cinder block on the slope by the driveway. The lettuce did great, bush beans were prolific, and we still have tomatoes in August. The beds are pretty easy to work from the downhill side, but are at just about foot level or a little below from the uphill side. This made it pretty inconvenient to work, especially when arthritis flares up. By the middle of summer we were pretty sure we weren't going to use it next year.

Settling In

Sissy and I retired at the end of January, 2015, and moved to Alabama in February. Nothing about moving is fun, and we've suffered some from buyer's remorse, but now we're getting settled in, and every day is better than the day before.